
Tort and insurance law

Since we began our practice, we provided professional legal assistance and legal advice in the field of Tort and Insurance law. Frequently we deal with work-related accidents, traffic accidents and other tort cases. The Law Firm Starman/Velkaverh provides the following services:

  • we analyse insurance and contractual relationships between parties,
  • we provide consults regarding appropriate legal remedies against the person responsible,
  • we draft tort and insurance claims and lawsuits,
  • we file compensation and insurance claims,
  • we negotiate compensation with insurance companies,
  • we represent Clients in proceedings for compensation of damages.

We demand an equitable monetary compensation for our Clients who suffered non-pecuniary loss/damage caused by a defect or fault of another person. The basis for equitable monetary compensation is, inter alia, the physical and mental anguish, loss of goodwill or fear.

When damages ware caused by a defect or fault of another person, in the form of damage to property, loss of income due to disability or material costs associated with the treatment etc., we demand also compensation for pecuniary loss/damage.
