
About the law firm

The Law Firm Starman/Velkaverh has been developing the legal profession in the area of Koper, Izola and Piran for more than 40 years, ever since being founded by attorney Danijel Starman back in 1972.

Since the beginning, our services and relations with Clients were based on values such as expertise, efficiency and confidentiality. In recent years we have also been growing our international presence.

The Law Firm Starman/Velkaverh has a long standing tradition in the fields of commercial and corporate law. Individual attorneys have obtained a high level of expertise in the fields of maritime law, transport law, customs law, freight forwarding and logistics, insolvency law and construction law. We also employ experts in other fields such as tort and contract law, property law, family law, law of inheritance, criminal law as well as constitutional law and human rights law.

Despite our substantial experience in jurisprudence, we always first try to resolve every dispute using methods of alternative dispute resolution, to protect our Clients from litigation. If this is not possible, we instruct our Clients on all legally relevant facts and provide advice on the right strategy to safeguard their rights in proceedings where we provide legal counselling.

Through our work we try to fulfil the common visions of the Law Firm Starman/Velkaverh, which is to provide:

  • High standard and prompt legal services,
  • Continuous professional training and education of young lawyers – Junior Associates, Associates and Senior Associates,
  • Growth and development of the Law Firm and a gradual reorganization into a law firm with partner members,
  • The preservation of traditional values of the Slovenian legal profession through active participation in the Bar Association of Slovenia,
  • International presence.
